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The (HUG1) Humanitarians United Group is a collaboration of people, governments, organizations, and businesses working together to solve problems of the world. The HUG1 plans and projects consist of multiple phases operating simultaniously from agriculture to housing development.


We all understand that there is a life time of work that needs to be done. But as the old saying goes

"In order for you to make things change. You have to first get up and do something about it."


Our project goals includes prevention of poverty

and starvation by working with farmers, educational institutions, goverments, companies, and business developers around the world. 


At HUG1 we work as a unified team of individuals dedicated to making our world a better place with liberty and prosperity for all..   




The focus of our mission  is to help Humanity on a global scale.


By creating solutions to worldly problems such as: Food, Medical, Housing, Environmental, Education, and Construction.

We can prevent starvation, poverty, and natural disaster from devistating our lives. 

Our projects are funded by the community at large for better standerds of living for everyone with the purpose of helping people overcome lifes challenges.


On earth there is no reason for starvation or malnutrition. To feed one person is great, but to feed a village is a bigger accomplishment. The task at hand is to help farmers grow quality foods for peoples nutrition. Our environment is very important to us by growing vegetables without harmful pesticides we can prevent chemical from entering water supplies that kill people, cattle, forest lands. 

These changes can help the environment and change the worlds hunger problem.


In a world of many harmful diseases medical advancements have made it possible for millions of people to live long and healthier lives than previous generations.  We know for a fact that there are major task on earth that need to be contained such as AIDS, HIV, and Malaria. By treating masses of people we can change the outcome of many lives at once. We work with medical organizations to assist people with medical needs.


By creating an environment where  can live safely is very important to the future of our survival. Proper housing, clean energy, and water treatment plants will create jobs for millions of people around the world. This will build self empowerment for teenagers, adults, and the elderly.


Knowledge is power and that is something no one can take away from you. By building educational facilities people can advance in reading, mathematics, and science. knowledge should be a right for all humans as a tool of enhancment to the minds and cultures

of people. 


Ultimately, we have the power to make the world a better place. 






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