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Life presents many challenges that reqiures complex thinking on multiple levels. We all say that we are just trying to get from point A to point B, but most people do not look at the journey between those two points. 


At HUG1 we have come up with a few solutions to fix hunger by intruducing new techniques of growing food in harsh climates. We have come up with other solutions to solving drout problems by

creating undrground water tanks that collect rain 

water for future use.


Our network of humanitarians united globally will help people from all walks of life obtain eqaulity and liberty for all.  


The HUG1 Municipal Solution

This project is designed to redevelop urban cities and provide job training skills for its citizens.  This project will operate from investments by the community along with donations provided by citizens, companies, organizations

, and government agencies.

The project will take place with multiple phases simultaneously working together for the common goal of improving the living standards of low income communities. The idea of this project is to provide realistic solutions that up-lifting the esteem of the residents in inner cities around the world.

Phase I

The first phase can consist of the judicial services cooperating with our program by providing man power that will help rebuild urban communities. Meaning, a “jail time release exchange program” can be established for individuals that are in the juvenile detention centers or the county correctional facilities. These individuals can volunteer to participate in our program in order to work off fines, shorten their sentence, clear up their record, give back to society, rebuild communities, or learn trade skills as a part of their rehabilitation. The participants can qualify by being a non-violent offender who will not be receiving a prison term. Participants can also be on probation, parole, or recently released from a correctional facility. To make it clear, the participants will be mandated to report for duty every scheduled day Monday thru Friday
9 a.m. to 5 p.m. If the terms of the court agreement are not met by the individual, the contract will become voided, and this person will have to report to court, and return to jail to finish their sentence. To ensure individuals understand that repeat offenses will not be tolerated, their penalty can automatically double. To illustrate, if a person sentence is for ten days of incarceration, and the individual commits a crime while participating in this program, their penalty can be double. This means the individual must now serve twenty days in jail. This process will create a deterrent to the participant becoming a repeated offender. To avoid public safety issues, a curfew can be put in place along with state issued special identification cards for the individuals participating in the work release program. To ensure accountability on our behalf, participants will have to sign in at the job site and every accounted participant will be reported as complient to the courts daily. At the end of each scheduled work day the participants can return home. or follow the court orders. The various job training skills that will be learned by the participants are as follows: painting, plumbing, electrical, carpentry, construction, work ethics, team work, leadership, and dependability.


Tax payers and government agancies will benefit from our projects by the reduction in facility cost of inmates.

Tax payers have paid millions of dollars over the years into a system that needs immediate change.



Housing, meals, recreation, education, and medical services have been provided to inmates at the tax payers’ expense. Now the time has come to fix the problems of the past by allowing the inmates to work off their time by doing something productive in society. The inmates can work without pay as “volunteer time release workers”, therefore, the state and the tax payers will not incur any expenses. This will allow millions of dollars to be saved or spent in areas where it is much needed in helping people overcome social and economic challenges. Social and political gains can be accomplished by allocating the man power we need to save cities and states millions of tax payers’ dollars along with creating economic diversity and communal bonds.


Municipal Solution

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