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Children are the future denerations to live on the earth that we develop today. Loving care,a good home, provisions,saftey,manners,

proper nutrition,an education, guidance,and happiness is what all parents should be able to offer every child. 

But the truth is alot of children are growing up in unspeakable conditions.

The HUG1 Project has many plans to help impoverished families and communities.


The Humanitarians United Group would like for everyone in the world to have access to information and knowledge. HUG1 works with companies and organizations that contribute supplies, books and computers to educational facilities around the world. Throught the HUG1 Educate Your Mind Project focuses on community learning centers where families can utilize for events. Our Educational Project provides important tools to communal bonding.

Good food is important to maintaining a healthy body and mind. With help from 

scientist we can know grow better crops that produces great quality for harvesting. Our HUG1 Planet Project helps farmers with obtaining

seeds, equiptment, and natural growing skills for organic foods. Farmers are key people that make it possible put food on the table and feed nations of people.   

Water is the source of life on our planet. We have the power and technology to use hydro systems to our advantage from creating clean energy to controlling flood waters. With global 

population growth sky rocketing. Natural water will become a issue for us all in the future. HUG1 Water Works Project helps developing countries create water treatment systems.


The world is converting to a eco-energy planet. Green is the thing everyone wants from solar panels to wind turbines.

HUG1's SolarWind Project is designed to help rural areas in the world obtain clean electric energy. We would like to also help urban third world cities obtain constant reliable energy.

Planet Earth is our home.For over 1million years humans have traveled and explored the world. From years of industrialization and climatic change our planet is 

changing. Floods, drouts, melting polar caps, and rising oceans is the earth we live on today. Now we have advanced beyond the technology age into the time of humanity.

With ocean levels rising around the world.the importance of rebuilding structures that can handle the forces of mother nature. Under water earthquakes have been increasingly occuring globally, and storms are gradually 

appearing to become severely stronger each year. 

On our planet the majority of people live in cities built around major bodies of water. The problem is that today's cities are not prepared for the natural disasters that are contenuosly growing at a alarming rate. HUG1 will work with organizations and companies to help people in extreme need from the cause of natural disasters.

We as humans live on the outter crust of earth and now just began to understand some of the great power that is moving beneath our feet.

The earth is alive and growing along with our own population expasion. With resent  studies from scientist around the world drastic weather patterns are to come in the near future. 

In the comming days we all have to begin preparations for the weather events that are on the way. From extreme heat to blistering cold 

tempatures with results that are breaking records each year. Over the past hundred years green house levels have sky rocketed along with the climate changes the future will surely have to relocated like generations before us.

Our Planet is Alive

When disaster strikes you need people willing to save lives and handle tough situations. The HUG1 Global Hands Project works with governments, organizations, and companies with the purpose of providing man power, aid, construction, equipment, and whatever it takes to help people in need.

We are here to help clean up divistated areas hit by natural disasters. Our team can be mobilized within hours to assist in any active roles that needs to be filled. We do hands on work ion the field and in the trenches completing one task after another to get the job done of helping others.

We help people rebuild their lives as much as we can by working with companies that assist people in relocation,or redevelopment possiblities.

Our goal is to help people get on their feet after tragic moments occure in life.

HUG1 is here when you need us most.

Mass housing development projects for families hit by disasters need to be rebuilt and structurally sound to withstand hurricanes, tornadoes, and earthquakes. With the knowledge and technology we have today people can live in safer housing structures that are built to last over time.

Beaches around the world are receding as the oceans rip the landscape to the bed rock in some cases. The oceans are taking over areas that was once miles in land.

To protect ourselves from the next giant waves to hit us. We bust build water breaks and barriers.  

Helping People Rebuild in Disaster Struck Areas


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